Friday, February 26, 2010

My Life Abode

honestly im soooo over blogging
as i was skyping with my friend frm home yesterday,
she said she wants updates...
here is my story...


it's where i am staying
it's on campus

heaps of parties going on

oh yeah n it's 5 minutes away from roundhouse

(eer i knw it doesnt make sense to other ppl

but roundhouse is where THE USED & COBRA STARSHIP

going to be performing!!!! woot woot)

i love my flatmates =)

i love going to shanya's apartement!

(she cooks for me~~yay!)


it's a shopping haven for ppl like me


i love it!

it's like Pavillion in KL but it's Australian version

the coolest place ever!

me & ain totally hooked by it
  • this is surreal man!
  • i mean hello i always think of myself as the undiscovered bimbo
  • but...
  • here i am
  • hehe
  • this is pretty damn cool!
  • who would have thought aye!
  • couldn't thank God enough for the blessings =)
  • really bersyukur =)
  • i miss my family back home =(
  • but im determine to make it work here!
  • hwaiting!

Friday, January 1, 2010

High School Flashbacks...

I was going thru some old stuff pastu tetibe i saw something...its called 'Book of Shadow' ala2 cita Charmed tu hehe...actually to mcm buku biodata haha tp bkn fully tulis biodata la...its more to what my friends think of me masa high school pny buku hehe...

Here's what some of my friends think of me

Noby thinks i'm:
-modest (like i said i am haha)
-cool (like her =p)
-happy go lucky

Syaz thinks i'm:

Shandra thinks i'm:
-so Americanised

Elizabeth thinks i'm:

Shuhada thinks i'm:
-nice (maybe haha)

Shuhana thinks i'm:
-sometimes i'm funny

Juhana thinks i'm:

Basically i think my high school year rocks!!!hehehe...i was psychotic like most of em said & im crazy (eer i admit that) but hey at least i had heaps of FUN!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ready For Sydney???...NOOOO


im off to sydney insyaAllah next month
satu ape pon x ready lagi
eer...i mean except for the visa yadayada tu siap ar
and ak tringin gak nk tengok result first sem kat ukm aritu
eer...ak tau ak flunk tp sj je nak tau how i did hehe
ak plak skarang ni da sengkek gils dow
mcm nak beli byk bende tp broke gle...hadoiiiii
at the same time,
eer ak agak cuak ar sbb nnt ak fly alone~~~waaaaa
harap2 cousin siti yg x dikenali tu masuk unsw same ngan ak...bley la fly skali
summer clothes x beli lg...
bile masa nk beli, ak pon tatau
books??? dang!!! camne la ak nk bwk semua buku2 ak...
da la semua penting for me!!!
eer...memandangkan ak ZERO knowledge utk account,
ak agak cuak ar...i mean camne la ak nk catch up
mudah-mudahan boleh la~~~insyaAllah
statistics...hoishhhh ni percubaan kedua...ak kena work hard!!!
last time kantoi gils...kata2 pedas dr lecturer xkan ak lupa
insyaAllah ak akan cuba much better this time
doakan ak yer peeps


Monday, December 7, 2009

Lesson Learnt!!!

Today I've Learnt A Lesson Which Forever Will Be Remembered...

i thought i knew this person so well
but as time flies, i realize i know nothing about that person
its like i dont even know that person anymore
i mean, where is that funny+crazy+cheesy+shy+sweet person i spent time with back then?
lost in translation?, i dont think so!
i guess somewhere in between thin air, that person changed
and even though we still have fun when we're together, its not the same anymore
we used to talk about music and things that insipire us
we shared mirth and tears
and the O.C happens to be one of the most talked about
one thing for sure, we stop to care
i tried to act fine but...
of course, the pain is just too real
but instead of dealing with it, WE pretend like nothing happened
i guess thats what make US sooo unique years back
we deal with issues in silent hoping that neither one of us talk about it
chances that we'll bump into each other soooo high that it scares me
memories of yesterday will be in a bucket full of remembrance
whatever happens in the future lets just rock it!
i will always remember u as the best 'seth cohen' that anyone could have ever been
but just like the tv series, its our turn to call it an end
life sucks,
we move on but the past will be cherished! =)


those were the days!!!

and im proud to say...BEEN THERE DONE THAT!!!~~~

the O.C will always stay at heart =p

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kisah Si Jambu & Si Durian

kihkihkih kisahnya bermula begini...
ada satu hari beberapa bulan yang lalu...
ak dan rakan baikku shandra decide la utk lepak kat pusan...
dengan malasnya ak pon bangun la awal sbb kkm nak ke pusan jauh tu...lain la shandra yg dok kat ibrahim yaakob...dekat
setibanya d sana kami pon makan la kat cafe kat pusan tu...dalam pukul 11 camtu ar...
nak dijadikan cita, masa km tgh makan...kami terpandang sorang mamat ni yang boleh tahan sial ar tahap kekacakkannya [dlm erti kata lain...boleh drool la upon seeing him hahaha]
sbb x tahan pny pasal ak pon apa lagi...slow talk ngan shandra dan akhirnya kami decide utk tangkap curi gambar that guy tgh makan...haha

*utk pengetahuan ramai, ak rasa agak bongok la bila memikirkan kembali situasi tu* ahahaha

pastu xpa la...ak & shandra pon tido x lena memikirkan laki tu...
kami asyik tertanya2 wujud ke mamat sehensem tu kat ukm kihkihkih

beberapa bulan kemudian...[semalam to be exact]
ak pon teringat balik kat laki tu...
kebetulan ternampak dia baru turun dr bas masa ak odw nak blk kolej dari ktams...
ak pon apa lagi...gila bayang ar jadinya hehe
balik bilik ak terus cita kat roomate ak si ally tu
pastu xpe la...kami pon browse la pasal laki tu kat fb...[stalker style hehe]
sekali jumpa!!! jeng jeng jeng...apa yang berlaku seterusnya...
setelah roomate ak meneliti page laki tu....kami dapati dia adalah 'patah' eer dalam erti kata lain...dia lelaki lembut...bukan lembut tahap tahap baekkkkkkk pny kihkihkih...
dah la sebelum tu ak berlagak kat roomate ak...dia ckp kat ak yg taste ak jambu2...pastu ak dgn bangganya kata...oh well jambu itu menawan kihkihkih...
roomate ak plak dgn confidentnya berkata ak xmau jambu2...dia prefer durian...ak gelak besar la kat dia hehe...
tgk2 ak bkn minat takat yg jambu je tp da sampai tahap buah apa tah...maluuuuuuu ak hahaha

the moral of the story is looks can be deceiving!!! hahaha...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lazy Bum Alert *woot woot*

Im sooooooooo lazy...i can't begin to explain!!! shoooooot
Macroecon exam in 2 days!!!
Help!!! help!!! help!!!
Darn!!! i miss the old days where i really DO read books and revise....aiyoooo
I think i've lost my touch ar....
This november n december will be filled with intensive classes :( :( :(
Oh and taylor swift's song forever and always is haunting my mind...
Help!!! help!!! help!!!
Nitez off to bed

gossip girl

Friday, October 23, 2009

Heels Over Head

A guy changed the way i view the world...
And for that, i couldn't thank him enough...
But, i don't think he will ever know that...
And I, myself don't even wanna tell him...
I used to like him soooo much back then that come to think about it, i feel sooo stupid...
I still remember calling my bestie...
Building castle in the air about some wacky fantasy with the guy...haha
But hey, i was young and stupid and in love [eer i guess so]...
If i could, i would have told him that the person i've become today...
It starts from wanting to be as good as him...
And Alhamdulillah i think i've managed to do that...[i mean for time being] ;)
Even when it comes to who i wanna date...
He changed my perspective as well...
Sorry but there's no way i'm gonna spill the whole story haha...
Basically I'M HEELS OVER HEAD haha
Thank you, U [i don't think you know who u are] hehe
Thanks for the memories ;)
I'm not crushing anymore...
I now, wanna be a better person...
And i don't wanna feel stupid about my crushes anymore...
I mean, u can only be stupid once...
After that, u learn to get up on your own two feet and you start walking again...
Stronger than ever...

gossip girl ;p